Welcome! I’m Bethany Trainor, MS founder of Fit Noir Health. Fit Noir is a passion project to bring accessible, affordable health education to the masses.

After overcoming multiple health challenges including diagnosis of multiple tumors and severe food allergies, I graduated with a Masters degree in human nutrition from Eastern Michigan University and earned my professional certificate in nutrition and health from Cornell University online. As someone who struggled with health issues for years and is now thriving, I take an empathetic and compassionate approach to health education to uplift every patient in achieving their highest quality of life.

With over ten years of experience working in public health and nutrition education, I aim to empower patients and the public with life-changing knowledge that will last a lifetime. I specialize in care and education for medically restricted diets, chronic disease management, endocrine health, cancer nutrition, food allergies, and many chronic health issues such as celiac disease, PCOS, autoimmune conditions, and more.

About Fit Noir